Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The WolfinSoulBlade

The Wolfinsoulblade is actually an Ivory Sword of a Kindred Soul, but not any soul, the soul of a Tremere called elitewolf. It was rumored that this Tremere wanted to create the perfect killing weapon. With the help of some Thaumaturgical rituals he managed to research
an 8 level ritual. He managed to get a vial on the blood of his thrall, the one who sired him. At that time, elitewolf was of 9th generation, and did not have the Capacity of casting such a powerful
spell. But from a lucky break his sire had managed to capture a 4th generation Camarilla prince by impaling the prince on needle sharp wooden stakes and managed to jump from 8th to 4th generation. Forcing the captured Camarilla's blood into a bunch of mortals and committed Diableria on the mortals, till eventually he committed diableria on the prince.

He's thrall stayed with him for 2 nights, helping him with the the forth ritual spell called Drawing upon the Bond, since his sire was in the Diableric state, he was able to draw on his sire's disciplines and
cast an 8 level ritual known as Deadly blade. For years earlier he had heard of the spell and painstakingly shaped an ivory tusk of an elephant into a sword using his Vicissitude which he learned from a Sabbot Tzimisce in return for creating a blood stone for her as she had a strange taste for tremere blood.
His Sabbot thrall had visions of power and wanted elitewolf to be by his side as his first lieutenant. His sire embraced a human and ordered elitewolf to diableria the human made vampire making elitewolf a generation lower. EliteWolf soon created his deadly blade, for the the ivory sword he created with his own hands and mind soon received 10 points of his blood. His sire again sent him another human made Vampire to diableria. Elitewolf kind of began to become obsessed with creating the perfect blade, his obsession got the better of him. Instead of doing what his master ordered, he completed a 2 night 8 level ritual known as the bone of the kindred and drained the blood out of the vampire(destroying her), then allowed his ivory weapon to absorb the blood. He was very excited cause when he used his new weapons on opponents, it would cause aggravate damage and absorb any blood it got in contact with.

Rumors circled of a Salubri hiding in the woods in a deep cave. Because of his amazing fighting skill, the inner circle decided to let him partake in this hunt.

He did eventually come across this Salubri, to his shock he realized the this Salubri was a very beautiful women, with dark almost jet black eyes and long jet black hair. When he looked into her eyes he could see the horror in her face, knowing that she was about to die. She lay on her knees begging him to not kill her even willing to trade of her powers for her survival, her deep dark eyes were covered in blood soaked tears. As he was complentating his move, a band of twelve 10th generation Sabbat Tremere's appeared and smiled as they cornered the helpless Saubri. One commented of Elitewolf's skillfulness on tracking her down. He then stepped back and let the twelve Tremere's corner and hack at her. He could hear her scream in horror as a spell and sword jabbed into her chest.... He noticed how she just paralysed some of these vampires just with her touch, but could see she was in a losing battle. He then noticed that this group of Tremer's were extremely cruel and were just playing with her as they hacked off her limbs and continued to swear insults at her. Then she looked at him, bleeding from her arm and leg sockets, tears in her eyes.....he could feel her fear.... Then something snapped in him, only 9 tremere's were left, but they were not expecting him to change sides....... He rushed to her aid and valiantly, sley 3 of the vampires......but the 6 were to much for him, and she was helpless, and he was bleeding from every wound....he then accidently touched her and found all his wounds healing. He then smiled most evily as he drew on his Vicissitude power of Body Arsenal and began to mercilessly hack at the vampires....The vampires were in complete shock as his body hacked at them and his sword soaked all of their blood. She, still completely immobile, looked up at him and smiled at him, amazed by his heroic attempt and success of saving her life. At that point she completely fell in love with him and whispered, as she felt herself fading "My Knight in Shining Armor". He then lay there, his own eyes a blaze in tears collecting her body parts and trying to heal her to the best of his abilities using his vissitude descipline, making her whole, but he could feel that she was fading. He held her close and realized that he felt love for this women even thou she was a Salubri. He held her hand and used his blade and power of his body arsenal and collected all the vamperic body parts and blood that was collected in the chamber, letting his sword collect the blood. Because 2 spells were cast on the sword, the sword retained it's ability to let the individual holding the sword to aquire the stored blood inside it. The absorbtion changed the weapon and made it harder, lighter and by drawing on his vissitude powers was able to let his new found love gain blood points threw the transfusion from the sword. This power was too much for the sword and he found his essence almost being absorbed by the sword...if it wasn't for the lovely Salubri ladie's hand holding his. He would of been absorbed.... but somethig did manage to accure..the sword managed to aquire part of his undead soul and actually became a part of him. As it melded with his hand and became into a black leather glove. By just a though he could change the glove into his sword and back again. His eyes widened in curiosity as he viewed the weapon's new power. He let it lay on the hill of kindred limbs as the blade continued to soak in the blood. He still found her very weak and by gazing at her condition realized that she was suffering from a blood related illness. He then came to the conclusion that the only way to save her was to learn her healing power. Such that no trace of his treachery remained he hacked at the body parts and his blade sucked in every drop of blood. The only parts that remained were dried husks which he trampled into dust. He took her to his place and laid her in his bed to rest, he then went out and got hold of a human peasent and drained her in the presence of his love. He then made his love embrace the peasent as the peasent was getting accustomed to her new found vamperic powers he diablerized her, and gained his loves decipline of obeah. He then found out that his love was that of an older generation then him. By using his Thaumaturgical path of blood, he found that she was a 6th generation vampire. Her sickness even bacame worst as open soars began to open on her body....he used his Level One Obeah deciplne called Panacea and began to lick her soars. He soon found out that this was still not enough cause his generation was too low and his healing potential was not enough. He commited Diableria twice more by making his love embrace two more mortals. He eventually achieved 7th generation and continued using the higher levels of obeah on her everyday. The sores were so intence that her clothing had to be removed as he dabbed her flesh in a wet cloth to clean the wounds on her body. This lasted for 3 months. During that time, their love only grew stronger and he began to understand his new found decipline even better as he thought her his own deciplines. She was still weak but getting stronger each and everyday as a bond began to form between them. He eventually discovered that he had formed a third eye in the middle of his head. then one day he decided while she was sleeping to use his level 6 Decipline....surprisingly enough it worked and she was fully recovered. A few minutes after that, his thrall burst into the door and discovered what his child was up too.... Using his blood bond, he forced his child to diablorize the love of his life. Tears in his eyes elitewolf her last gasp escaped her lips whispering that she would love him forever, as her essence slowly and painfully leaked into him, making him a 6 generation vampire..... All 3 eyes glowed with blood tears as he held her withered corpse in his hands and starred at his Thrall in pain and vengence, the blood bond barely keeping him in check. The thrall new that no one would except his three eyed child in the ranks of the Tremere and decided to do the only thing he deemed possible and most fitting for his child. He bound his child and initiated the Ritual known as the weapon of the Kindred soul. The thrall used all of his 4th generation undead might and cast the spell.
He remembered how he helped his child create the death blade and later learned of his child treachery using his own powers against him in creating the bone of the kindred. Smiling at his childs brave move and not holding it against his child, but smiling in pleasure at his childs determination in the creation of his child's powerful blade. He had thought that 2 night Permanent ritual known as the bone of the Kindred to his child which involved The lifeblood of a Kindred and weapon made of bone or ivory. He marvelled at how his child, at that time an 8th generation vampire had managed to cast a 5th Generation Thaumaturgist spell using his 4th level Doctorate Occult skills and his knowledge of a few arcane secrets had managed to use his power, but did the majority of the work in the creation of this two-night ritual creating an enchanted weapon made of ivory. Using the lifeblood of the Kindred elitewolf was suppose to diablorize. How he watched as the blood was absorbed into his ivory weapon and that it could not be used for any other purpose. How he marvelled of how the enchanted weapon inflicted aggravated wounds and "drink" any blood that was on it. When he first used the weapon in battle, he found how attuned the weapon was to him,
it not only did aggravated damage, but it steals a Blood Trait every time it strikes a target. The Blood Trait that is stolen is absorbed into the blade, he found out that it could not be extracted from the blade but may be utilized by a Thaumaturgist for Blood Mastery against that target. The number of Blood Traits that blade may hold, at any one time, is equal to the Mental Traits of elitewolf. If the number of Blood Traits is exceeded he noticed how the blade consumes them wholly. He learned that within the blade the Blood Traits may remain for centuries if not longer threw the history of this ritual.
As his sire grasped elitewolf's blade he recalled the history of the blade he was holding and how different it would be. The weapons were created for the Tremere’s war against the Tzimisce in Transylvania, shortly after the Mages metamorphous. It has been rumored that several of these weapons still exist that hold the blood of those that faced the Tremere centuries ago.
His sire then began the incantation of the Weapon of the Kindred Soul
This one week ritual involves draining all of the blood of a vampire eventually destroying him, and since elitewolf was an expert in this weapon, the ritual was followed to the letter. It began to absorb the blood. His sire realized that the weapon will keep all of the disciplines, abilities, of the elitewolf who would be slain to create it, and smiled at the thought of the loss of memories. His Sire smiled at the thought that this weapon would be made to serve him, as part of the ritual his sire crafted symbols of power with the blade in Elitewolf's skin, hoping at the end of the ritual that the blade would have the same goals of power he had. He did this for one whole week, on the last day his sire smiled as he pricked elitewolf's skin and let the blade obsorb it. But as Elitewolf's anger began to intencify, he found the bond fading and his strength increasing, then he smiled as he heard a voice in his head. "I am with you my love our souls are one now and forever", he smiled and using his vissitude changed into fog and escaped, his feelings now became that of golaconda, for in his sorrow and joyfulness he had found it and his one true love which was now a part of him.
His sire ran after him but could not keep up, but the sword new where elitewolf went for it had a part of his spririt inside. His sire realized this and began to track him down. During that time elitewolf began to practice his obeah powers more and more. Then he did a most horrific thing losing his golaconda. He attempted to heal his brother NightHawk using a Level Nine Spirit Marionette obeah decipline and managed to aquire his brother's berserker dereangement. His brother was still in torpor from a self inflicted wound of a pierced wooden stake threw his heart. He was forced to act on Nighthawks behalf and behaved irrationally. He then came to the conclusion that he needed to bring NightHawk out of torpor. Even during that time his sire was still looking for him. Threw a very unwise move he managed to get all his blood drained. While he was walking almost completely barren of blood his sire managed to sneak up behind him and pierce his flesh with the sword...hoping that the ritual would still work. Something sinister did happen thou. The sword found no blood in the body so ended up sucking in the spirit with it's powerful need for blood.

He suddenly realized that his essence was being sucked into the the sword, and then realized what had been started in the cave was finishing now. Using his Auspex telepathic ability he cried out for his twin Brother NightHawk for help as the last bit of his essence seeped into the sword.

The sire then grabbed the sword and grinned what he did not realize was that the sword had hate on it's mind for him and tendrils leapt from the blade and began to strangle his sire and his sire screamed in horror as an eye appeared on the hilt of the sword looking at him. Just then NightHawk arrived, he then received the mental image from the sword of what had happened. He reached out his hand and the sword erily shifted into a plasmic form and formed into a blade in NightHawk's hand... NightHawk grinned evily as he frenzied and hacked at the Tremere. The sword then sucked all of the blood and it looked as if the kindred's souls seeped into the open eye and cracked and broke just being torn to pieces in the eye itself and absorbed. When the frenzy was done he marvelled at how light the sword was and how indestructable it felt and then it shifted into a glove....He smiled as he heard a voice in his head almost like an inner voice. "Hello NightHawk, hello my brother, finally I have found peace. Use me, us well my brother for our goals and values are your goals. We will always be here to protect U" The voice then faded and he looked at the glove and it changed into a blade again.

He finally realized the power of the sword, It was a vampire soul stealer and channeled all the powers of the slain opponent into it's lightness, toughness and magical abilities.
He realized that this ritual created an enchanted weapon. The ritual requires the lifeblood of a Kindred who is also an expert in the use of the weapon to be enchanted, this blood is absorbed and may not be used in any other way.
The weapon created by this ritual becomes the vessel for the slain Kindred's soul and Willpower. The weapon maintains all of the abilities, Disciplines, etc. of the Kindred slain to create it, but all of its memories seem distant and unimportant. The weapon is given a new name during the ritual, and can communicate with its user telepathically. In effect, the weapon is a freethinking being with its own goals, Abilities and mystical Disciplines. but this weapon had changed into something more for it retained his brother's memories, but now only shared his goal whatever it would be. If the sword was not in contact with blood to be absorbed for a year, the first person who touched it would go into a frenzy and seek any living thing, such that the blade's thirst for blood would be satisfied. If not in the hands of anyone with the blood and idealistic goals of NightHawk. It would make the person holding the sword, seak such a person or even NightHawk himself.

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