Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Vampire history

History:An old Blind women of 11th generation, her sire an 8th levelvampire. Embraced motals and performed diableria after they embraced another mortal and made that mortal do the same and performed diableriaagain, till he came upon the old women, who had a vision of her demise after being embraced, escaped into the desert living in terror for years and feeding on animal blood, mainly rats. She then came upon a wanderer who was going to visit his twin scholary brother who was a painter, his brother was obsessed with beauty and his house was covered in pictures of beautiful women that modeled for him. As he walked down the road, he heard this wailing and smiled as he saw a cave that he and his brother used as a sort of secret place. To his horror the wailing was from the cave, He entered the cave and was gripped by a creature of amazing strength. He soon felt himself fading as the creature bit into his neck and sucked him completely dry. The old blind women was horrified by what she had done and bit her finger and let her blood flow down the dying mans throat. The man eventually recovered and he and the old blind women began to talk. He realized her name was Tula and he listened to the ordeal she had suffered. She also learned his name to be Brian Boru and that he was going to visit his brother. The women was horrified by what she had done, but the man was kind and forgave her for her actions. The women later told him that he was a 12th generation vampire, and told him how she was running for her life. Later during that night they both visited his brother. His brother was horrified by the story and vowed to help them, he then revealed to his brother that he had practiced the skills of the occult and that he had been given the name of Elitewolf by a shaman that had thought him the ways of the wild. Elitewolf then took his brother aside and explained to him about creation of ghouls and that he would not be able be there to help his brother if he did not make him one of those creatures. He then escorted them on a 3 day hike to the shamen's hut, wolves howled everywhere but the 2 brothers remained calm, save for the women who was a wreck. When they entered a wolf greeted them at the door. Elitewolf smiled, and introduced NightHawk to the shaman who was really a gangril. The Shaman changed form once again and offered to take the Vampire to a true brujah teacher for she senced the blood line in the child. At that time the Brujah and the gangril got on exceptionally well. NightHawk was overwelmed by the beauty of the gangril and ended up having a secret crush on her. What he did not realize was that his brother had already captured her heart. As the days passed they later discovered that the Gangril's name was Alexandria. Alexandria and Nighthawk let Elitewolf use beef jerky to soak their blood. Alexandria new that the True Brujah would not except such a low generation as NightHawk. So they ended up hunting and trapping rougue vampires. Because of her beauty she had no trouble enticing foolish vampires into her trap then drained them dry. She would later Lead NightHawk on a wild hunt, till he became so crazed and started frenzing she would then lead him to the drained vampires....he eventually ended committing diablaria on them. Then one night when he entered the forest he found Tula's body, she had impaled herself on a stake and had burnt herself in the sun. NightHawk shook his head but understood that she had her reasons. He and Alexandria spent many years learning her deciplines and getting him ready to meet the brujah. Eventually Alexandria and him went on a 4 month hike to meet the True Brujah. The Brujah was stationed on a high hill in a thick forest somewhere in the amazon jungle. They sailed across the ocean and both brought with them earth, which they melded with everynight, surviving on the blood of sea guls and fish. Using their animalism descipline they both survived exceptionally well. They eventually came upon the hut and was greeted by the Brujah who also had a crush on the lovely Gangril. The gangril promiced to return in a few years to learn of NightHawk's process in learning his deciplines. The brujah sighed but excepted Alexandria's decesion. The Brujah began to teach NightHawk Presence but in a week changed his mind and concentrated on teaching him the descipline of temporas. He was a jelouse brujah and was envious of NightHawk's ability to learn so quickly and was afraid that he would use that auspex deciplin on Alexandria. Years and Years passed and NightHawk learned more and more quickly till he had the level 4 ability of a Cowalker to step out of time, he then eventually learned the ability to control aging. Then one day he heard a knock at the door as his tutor was resting, he opened the door and there stood Alexandria, her dark eyes and and jet black dark hair flowing in the breeze. He smiled at her and held a rose bud in his hand and used his control aging deciplin to make it bloom. She smiled and was impressed with his deciplin, took the rose and kissed him passionately on the lips. Almost falling into a trance and mixing her feelings for elitewolf for feelings for NightHawk, since they looked so similar. He then told her of his feelings for her.... She smiled but did not whisper anything back, but instead told him that his brother wanted so much to see him. They both left a note for his tutor and left that very day. The jorney was swift for his manipulation to stop time had enabled them to travel great distances floating in their fog like forms....in a forever night......They eventually reached Elitewolf's home in the blink of an eye, thou they new that the time that passed was in the measure of months. His brother was amazed to see them and hugged them both. that night he heard Alexandria talking to his brother, professing her love for him. Elitewolf said that he did not share the same feelings and smiled at her and thought of her as a sister, nothing more nothing less. That very night as NightHawk lay in his room, practising his arts, he heard nosies in his brother's room. He opened the door to find Alexandria using her gangril powers and forcing his brother to make love to her, the site almost looked like she was raping him. He watched in horror as his brother gasped and fought her advances but she lay on him pinning him, both of them completely without clothes. She smiled most wickedly as she bit his lips and moved off him. That is whem Elitewolf noticed his brother standing there. Alexandria looked away in shame and transformed too wolf form and crashed threw the window. NightHawk gave out an earth shattering cry and stomped out of there...... He opened the door wide and saw the first rays of sunlight his eyes blazing with tears and impaled himself on a wooden stake right outside his brother's door. The sun began to burn his flesh...he sreamed and cried but changed his form into that of a jet black hawk as a line of blood began to flow down the spear. Elitewolf ran out and quickly covered the hawk in blankets covering the blazing form...and extinguishing the fire. Later that night he opened the blanket and what he saw horrified him. Alexandria came back that same night and knelt down seeing the burnt form of nightHawk. half NightHawk's body lay completely burnt and half of his brain lay completely exposed to the air....but she could sence a spark of life in NightHawk...and realized he was in a torpor like state. She looked at elitewolf and whispered sorry, but she could sence the hate in his eyes for her. All she could think of is that she did not want elitewolf to die and wanted him to become her ghoul. Elitewolf did not agree to this but instead made another deal in that she would let her drops of blood drain into NightHawk and Elitewolf would survive on the blood of his brother. This continued on for a 1000 years this loose alliance, during that time NightHawk's wounds had completely healed but he still lay in that camotouse stage. Elitewolf became more and more involved in the dark arts, becomming a very powerful ghoul mage. Then in 1560 AD he discovered the mage vampires called the Tremere. And He seeked one out, offering the gangril Alexandria threw an assorted trap for he was getting sick of her ways of trying to get him to blood bond to her. The Tremere agreed. that very year a Voian vampire had discovered NightHawk's haven. Alexandria had completely forgotin about NightHawk during that year. The Voian that found NightHawk was of a Jet Night hawk and smiled down as he decided to recover this lost vampire and maybe blood bond him to him. He slowly withdrew the stake and let a few drops of blood pass between NightHawk's lips.....When NightHawk awoke he was in a berseker frenzy and gripped the Voian and sucked him dry. The Voian was only at 9th generation so had no match in strength compared to the power that lay in NightHawk....The Voian's deciplin became NightHawks. The Voian was carrying a book with him of the Vioan Deciplin and NightHawk marvelled at the powers that would soon be his. During those years, he began to study the book diligently and soon was able reach the level 4 Voian Deciplin. he bacame a wanderer from city to city. The vampires that he loved he eventually committed Diablaria on them. When he started draining their blood, he couldn't stop till all their blood was within him. He then one day fell in love with a werewolf named Witchblade, they married and had a child named Aspen, but the mother died in childbirth. During that time he had gottin a message from his brother that he was joining the ranks of the clan Tremere for saving a few of them from the children of the Inquisition who were members of the Inconnu and a Justicar from a Jyhad conspiracy that marked them for death. He managed on helping them disguise the group of Tremere as Catiff from a Ventru Prince. His brother the Tremere vampire was under a strong bond from the inner circle and lost all his will power to think on his own. NightHawk's blood which ghouled his brother did have an interesting side affect with the Tremere blood bond. NightHawk was able to break any suggestions that the Tremere would implement in his brother, because it seemed his blood bond with his brother was a bit more potent and the Tremere bond on his brother that just barely held. Nighthawk's jelousy grew around him, consuming him, and made him become even more lustful. His moods came into conflict with a Ventrue, as old as him, but a bit more powerful, for NightHawk only lived 150 years gaining deciplines. The rest of his undead life lay in torpor. The Ventrue tried to carve the Brujah's appetite, but it only drove the Brujah insane with jelousy, and he wanted all the things that the Ventrue had. Cutting off the Ventrue's blood supply, the ventrue then decided to leave that place and set up his own establishment. All his friends followed the prince in a wise move and got away from the insanity of the brujah. A few would visit him to check on his recovery but would never stay for long.During This time, NightHawk witnessed the distruction of his brother and gained the sword of the wolfinsoulblade. Later on discovered the love for a mortal mage named DragonWitch. During his undead existence he sired 2 children, one was of a mortal bartender and the other was of a lone travelling doctor who later took on the name DeathStalker and came to have an infatuation with his daughter Aspen who gained her werewolf heritage and eliminated the vamperic blood that plagued her. The vamperic Bartender, was awed by the prince and the prince accepted her into his ranks.Aspen Found another lover as DeathStalker became more and more withdrawn with the search for Goloconda. Then DeathStalker's had stumbled on the resting place of a 2nd generation vampire, who was about to kill DeathStalker but looked into his mind and saw he was searching for Goloconda and sent him into a Dream state of so called endless Nightmares...Helping in a way to clean the burdens that lay on DeathStalker's soul. The vampire grasped DeathStalker's protean Deciplin and surpassed it in one night and melded into the earth. Leaving these 3 words on a slab were DeathStalker's body lay. "Dream with me" If anyone every disturbed DeathStalker's slumber or decided to commit Diabloria, they would be sucked into DeathStalker's NightMare literally, body and soul. Their only Salvation, with few of them new was to call for DeathStalker in that dream world and help him on his Spirit quest for achieving Goloconda.*a twisted gift and curse in disguise implemented by a 2nd generation vampire*NightHawk continued on his secret project of creating his haven. And transferred his bar to a city in Los Angelas....the bar was that in the shape of a 60 foot long pyramid. It consisted of two entrances, if there were too many people, 2 lighted hallway extended to the right and left of the entrance to the entrance in the back. With 3 exit doors on each side, except for the back. If the doors were held open for more the 10 minutes a loud buzzur would sound, with a sign right on the door explaining that the door could only be opened for 10 minutes.
The pyramid consisted of 5 levels.The first level was split into 2 sections, consisting of an inner and outer square. The inner square consisted of 4 bars placed in each corner underneath a very large egyption poll that extended to the ceiling. Each side consisted of connected cushioned seats, on a raised platform overlooking the dance floor. The dance floor was on a lowered platform , the dance floor consisted of a neon liquid moving threw a labyrinth with glass over it. The 2nd level consisted of just 3 bars, with tables and chairs, a quiet place completely away from the dance section of the bar. The 3rd level consisted of a security section and the financial offices that took care of all the advertising and promotional ideas for the Dark Prism NightClub, Bar and restaurant during the day.
Right at the top of this glassy black object, consisted of a prism like room. This is where NightHawk held most of his meetings and this room could only be accessed by one elevator.
NightHawk actually slept at the bottom of the pyramid in the earth itself. For this pyramid had a basement filled with all the rare wines and even some wines that did not seem to be wine at all but blood.
The 4th and 5th levels consisted of rooms, kitchen and a reception area with staff that worked around the clock. Each room consisted of only a bed and washroom. Construction was always being done on the 4th and 5th floors and all walls were sound proof. The bartenders consisted of all 21st generation vampires, Their blood so weak, and their minds so well conditioned that they were the perfect employees, all blood bonded to DeathStalker a 7th generation vampire, thou they consisted of all types of blood lines.
All this meant nothing to him and all were expendable for he was bonded to a mage named DragonWitch, his one true love, as she was bonded to him. All that mattered was protecting her and devoting his undying life to her.
Later on They become very intimate and took vows of marriage to each other. During those 2 years she fell in and out of quiet, her only savour was Nighthawk, her husband who ordered her out of it through his vamperic bond with her. Unexpectantly she became pregnant, and in denial and rage ordered her through the bond to tell the truth if it was his child. Her only answer was weeping. NightHawk became perplexed with the matter and so consulted Jasmin Lanther, Dragonwitch's best friend and sister on the matter. She explained that she too became impregnated by a vampire, who was too enraged and denied the fact that it was his child. DragonWitch went away for awhile, Nighthawk went into torpor, trying to find the goloconda, within himself, to tame the beast within him that was threatening to consume him. Later on DragonWitch invited NightHawk to witness the birth. At that moment NightHawk felt at one with himself. But alas his inner demon was fighting for dominance within himself. He went away for awhile, submerging himself within the earth, apprachin torpor but not entirely succombing to its effects. During that time, DragonWitch taught her beautiful daughter the secrets of her craft and tried to show her daughter how to embrace the positive aspects of her vampirism. During that time she hungered for the kindred blood, her gholish nature getting the better of her. To the point where she started to feed on her own daughter. Her daughter a year old at the time did not realize her mothers desperate need for blood, but allowed her to do so, For she loved her mother more then anything in this and the next world. Well her father was unknown to her, she still wondered, who he was and if he would ever come back for them. DragonWitch soon realized that her very survival lay in her daughter, since the kindred blood from NightHawk had eventually dissapated from her system, replaced by her daughters blood. NightHawk struggled with himself, with his own fears and with his own demonic beast struggling to wreak havoc on the world. With every new day, he became stronger, realizing the truth that his dream of achieving goloconda was eventually becomming a reality. A melania passed as he submerged from the earth, gasping for breath, little did he realize that only a year had passed. His true Brujah nature, kickin in, slowing time around him, when he was in torpor. He now had one thing on his mind, to serch for his daughter and the only lady he ever trully loved named DragonWitch. And this is where our story begins or ends depending if destiny sees fit to let these two people cross paths again

1 comment:

  1. What will come will come what will be will be. Karma, what you do to others will come back to you and if you are a witch, it will come back 3 folds. Life always tries to balance its self out, no matter what.
